The “past-future” of iPhone?


• Nicolas Nova

Why do I blog this?
Except the fact it is funny, I find this old desktop metaphor in a way reassuring, as it reminds of well-known interactions (the ones considered as simple/natural), the first ones we’ve learned, while this is no skeuomorphism, it is symbolic/iconic/pictographic. And I wonder, would it reassure older generations?

Exhibition: L’adresse, Museum of La Poste

I didn’t know the existence of pneumatic networks of communication in Paris in the 60’s. I’ve always been fascinated by these devices in Brazil (1985), they look exactly like it! As shown in this video

I also found this information in Montagné’s book: Transmissions (2008) – see this post.
Text taken from the museum: “Le pneumatique apparaît à Paris en 1866, il est constitué d’un ensemble de tuyaux parcourus par des cylindres appelés curseurs et acheminés par déplacement d’air. Le réseau, placé dans les égouts, relie les bureaux télégraphiques. Il atteint une longueur de 400km en 1957. Les curseurs voyagent jusqu’à 600 mètres/minutes et peuvent contenir 35 lettres. Le pneumatique cesse de fonctionner en 1984.”

I found this last week, I went to L’Adresse Musée de La Poste. – – “L’Adresse Musée de La Poste is a place of preservation and diffusion of the mail heritage centred on Writing, History and Culture. From Seven League Boots to the Aeoropostale’s heroes, by way of the panorama of 160 years of the French postage stamps, the Museum collections tell us a story, not only about a company but also about everyday life. Openned since 1946” Here is a couple of pictures I made over there.

• Montagné, J. C. (2008). Transmissions. Jean-Claude Montagné.

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Below, the feeling of missing someone is directly linked to the act of writing letters – in this advert.
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The rest of my pictures in this gallery

Figures from Montagné’s book: Transmissions (2008)

Back cover text in french: “J.-C. B. Montagné, a rassemblé dans l’ouvrage la presque totalité des procédés permettant aux hommes de toutes époques de communiquer entre eux à distance par la transmission de signaux. Son passé d’ingénieur radio-électronicien et son penchant pour un bon usage du Français lui furent utiles pour transcrire en langue courante à la portée de chacun les informations éparses dans les nombreux documents techniques consultés. Les références de ces documents rassemblés dans la bibliographie ouvrent le passage pour une recherche plus approfondie à ceux qui le voudront. Ouvrage de référence rapide, résumé, ce livre est sans doute les deux à la fois. L’expérience de la première édition en a apporté la preuve.”

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Auto Smiley, writes smiley when you really smile

Auto Smiley – Computer vision smiley generator from Theo Watson on Vimeo.

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“Auto Smiley is a computer vision application that runs in the background while you work. The software analyzes your face while you are working and if it detects a smile it sends the the ascii smiley face letters “: )” as keyboard presses to the front most application. Auto Smiley has many uses from just straight up convenience to enforcing honesty in your online communication :)”

It has been a while (years) that I want to re-use this brilliant idea from Theo Watson in an experiment—that I could finally do, now that I started my PhD. More soon (hopefully)!

To be find on Theo Watson’s website F.A.T:
• Windows PC Version!! Courtesy of Joey!
• Non US/UK users version – should work on all keyboards!
• The mac app here ( for US / UK / NL keyboards )
• Mac app for QWERTZ keyboards
• The project uses openFrameworks and MPT for the smile detection – you can grab the source code

Skype eye contact finally made possible

Skype eye contact made possible thanks to 3D face rotation by C. Kuster, T. Popa, J.C. Bazin, C. Gotsman & M. Gross from ETH Zurich.
Innovative software rotates the face of the person on screen during video conferences in order to make eye contact. (Photo: Computer Graphics Laboratory / ETH Zurich)

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“Those separated from family and friends by long distances often use video conferencing services such as Skype in order to see each other when talking. But who hasn’t experienced the frustration of your counterpart not making direct eye contact during the conversation? A software prototype from the Computer Graphics Laboratory ETH Zurich may be able to help.”

Text by Angelika Jacobs from ETH Life Blog

I don’t know why but this “computer vision” software makes me think of the AutoSmile project by Theo Watson from F.A.T.

More on the project (+source code):
• Skype eye contact finally possible
• Paper: Kuster C, Popa T, Bazin JC, Gotsman C, Gross M: Gaze Correction for Home Video Conferencing. Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (Singapore, November 28 – December 1, 2012), ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31 (6), 174:1-174:6