Course on design fiction @ Pôle supérieur du design de Villefontaine 2014

Design for debate, an introduction to design fiction and my research topic

I had the pleasure to give a presentation of my research and to introduce design fiction again at Pôle supérieur du Design – Villefontaine. My presentation was organised in three categories that respect the 3 necessary steps to make design fiction (according to the 3 parts of my research design space):

  1. Proposing alternatives by design,
  2. Provoking meaningful reactions,
  3. Articulating a discussion/debate

After an introduction to the first branch of my design space (proposing alternatives), I gave some exercises (listed bellow). A week after it was great to already see improvements and appropriations of my advices. (Sorry, this feedback is composed of raw notes in french.)

[slideshare id=34068945&style=border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px 1px 0; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;&sc=no]


Intro – Le design fiction est voué à soulever des questions chez l’audience/utilisateur quand au monde dans lequel on vit – et ce, par la confrontation avec des produits de design venus d’un autre monde et dont la conception repose sur d’autres valeurs que celles que l’on connait.

›› Check all the blogpost about this course here ‹‹ 

Next course here

User Test – First conversations, Yukiko

Dog acceptation of the collar can take some time and training.

First phone call with Yukiko: EPIC FAIL :) 
The sound was really to loud and Daniel felt onto his son’s answering-machine.

2nd phone call to Daniel’s wife. Talking about meeting each other later and traying to talk to the dog.
Daniel’s wife: “Yukiko doesn’t reply to me!”

3rd phone call with Yukiko, watch it until the end!
The starting of the conversation is a bit tensed, they talk about the device and the experiment, after having given a biscuit to Yukiko the conversation really starts (about work), as the dog move the owner follows her, down on his knees on the carpet.
Daniel: “It’s the first time I use a hairy phone!”
Daniel: “That is a really ‘mobile’ phone…”

User test – Fitting, collars tests

I didn’t have the opportunity yo touch Yukiko, Daniel decided to meet first in the park—even if it is not the best situation for using the collar—to relax Yukiko. I had to not pay attention to her and let her come to me with her tennis ball (to throw it) as a way to say hello… Quite a wild dog, indeed.

I didn’t have the opportunity to directly interact with her (except by throwing the ball) but, she is quite a nice dog in the end.

The first collar was OK for communication but really too big for the dog.

It’s interesting how dog owners easily talk to each others thanks to their dogs, dogs sociabilisation forces owners interactions.

Design – study

A selection of the state of art (the barking translation collar and the 1st person view dog camera),
Dog morphology study
Collar study
Sound speaker study (interesting fabric speaker technology)
Dog position study (where does end the collar)
Fashion design study (so many possible clothes that I just classified them and drew a summin-up diagram)
Choice to only work on the collar (It enhance the concept at it keeps the aesthetic part simple)
Now I have to study electronic size problems…